Chula Engineering and ISE students have won the award of GSEC

1 May, 2018
Chula Engineering and ISE students
Wit Chunkum : Nano Engineering, Apasorn Phatanachinda : Aerospace Engineering , Atikarn Tiraviriyapol : Nano Engineering, Napasorn Yaibuates : Industrial Engineering,Pattamon Puttawong :Chemical Engineering, Pongpak Katanyutanon : Environmental Engineering ,Pattanan Thamrujikul : Petroleum Engineering,Rittanupap Thavorn: Chemical Engineering have won the award Best Team Showcase of The Global Student Engineering Conference (GSEC) 2017 which is organised by the University College London Mechanical Engineering Society (UCL MES). The first of its kind, the inaugural conference seeks to convene engineering students to foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge in order to make a positive impact in their communities. Through a series of guest lectures, workshops and industrial visits, GSEC aims to:
• Empower student engineers to step up as agents of change in building a collective future
• Foster meaningful relationships between youth leaders across regions
• Connect talented delegates with some of today’s leaders in academia, industry and government
The theme of this year’s conference is Sustainable Cities. The conference draws upon the diverse perspectives of delegates from different regions of the world to demonstrate the crucial role that Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) play in advancing economic and social progress without compromising pertinent environmental aspects. Eventually, we hope that these engineering-led discussions will increase exposure and rouse interest of the application of STEM in tackling a few of the world’s most eminent problems today