AUN/SEED-Net Monitoring Visit of Fiscal Year 2019 at Chula Engineering

23 Oct, 2019

On Tuesday 24, September 2019, AUN/SEED-Net organized the monitoring session for AUN/SEED-Net scholarship students of Fiscal Year 2019. Chula Engineering currently has 44 scholarship graduate students studying in 5 major fields, namely, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. These students are from Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Participants of the monitoring session were more than 25 people and consisted of associate dean of administration, department heads, deputy director of ISE, student's advisers, ISE staff, and scholarship students. The main purpose of the monitoring session was to evaluate the study progress of AUN/SEED-Net scholarship students, and update the financial regulations of collaborative research projects. In addition, there was information related to the opportunities for AUN/SEED-Net alumni and available resources for the networking and career enhancement after graduation.