Visiting Denso (Thailand)

22 Nov, 2018
Visiting Denso (Thailand)
On 21st November 2018, a group of ADME students from the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning) class, including a group of exchange students from France, had an opportunity to be the first group of students, to visit the factory of Denso (Thailand) Co, Ltd. located in Bangbo district, Samutprakan.

The session was hosted by Mr. Pradit Mahasaksri, the Assistant General Manager. The aim of this educational tour was to let students discover themselves the real working environment in addition to participating in conventional class lectures.

At the Denso factory, students had a chance to see activities necessary to produce parts, such as the HVAC module, the evaporator and the fin-tubes, which are related to the content taught in the HVAC class. As a result, the students were able to connect the theoretical aspects and practices in the industry.

Not only that students had a chance to see how parts were produced, but they also had a chance to ask questions and listen to Mr. Pradit Mahasaksri in a Q&A session. He gave students an awareness on the factory life, role of R&D in the industry, and some words of wisdom in shaping their path forward.

Finally, a lot of thanks to Denso (Thailand) for giving such a wonderful opportunity for our students to observe and learn.
Denso is willing to continue this activity in coming years!