Future Innovators learn “Jobs to be done” theory by Professor Dr. Clayton M Christensen, Harvard Business School. 

6 Nov, 2018
A group of 34, 3rd-year ISE Nano engineering students had the opportunity to learn the exciting “Jobs to be done” theory of Innovation from #PacRim Group “Find Out WHY” program. This session was organized by Dr. Aniwat Tandaechanurat, who leads the Introduction to Nanoelectronics course [2182440] of NANO program at ISE. Students in this course have the opportunity to apply what they learn as part of their term project – which is to build a “prototype innovative product”.

At the PacRim Group session, students learnt WHY innovation fails; how to shift mindset; and use tools to uncover Customer “Jobs to be done”- not only functional needs but also social and emotional needs to ensure higher chance of Innovation success. Thanks #PacRim Group and Find Out WHY for shaping the minds of our engineers to be future innovators.

Find more “Find Out WHY”