ISE AERO Programme

24 May, 2019
ISE AERO Programme extended warm welcome to a group of delegates and students from Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. The visitors were given information sessions about our AERO programme, and a tour to explore our facilities, assisted by our AERO student volunteers.

Big thanks to our AERO students:
- Mr Talha, for presenting a story about our DBF (Design Build Fly) student club and its current work
- Miss Bhudharhita and Mr Supakorn, for sharing a story about our involvement in CU-AIAA Student Chapter
- Mr Supakorn, for showing visitors our workspace where the supersonic wind tunnel, a senior project legacy left from our alumni (Mr Napas and Mr Adithep), was put on display
- Mr Nathanan and Mr Varongrith, for presenting the visitors the DBF turf
- Mr Kittinan, for giving a tour to Aj Asi’s wind tunnel
- Khun O, for demonstrating a 3D-print and laser cut at MI Centre