Prabhath De Silva, Ph.D.


Work Experience

2014 - Present    Adjunct Professor, International School of Engineering,
                           Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

                              Teaching automotive engineering courses
1999 - 2013        Senior Project Engineer, General Motors Corporation,
           Global Simulations Owner (GSO) for HVAC air handling system performance.
                                        Prepared and maintained certain corporate analysis procedures for use in global
                                        engineering centres. Developed pressure based engine cooling circuit 1-D
                                        simulations, CFD prediction of airflow in the cabin interior and air through the
                                        vehicle front-end.

1998 - 1999        CFD Analyst, Visteon Corporation (Contract),
Provided analysis, synthesis and design improvement on vehicle climate control
                                         applications; Supported business bidding proposals for winning OEM contracts.

1997 - 1998        Assistant Professor, Thammasat University,
Undergraduate teaching: Engineering Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Engineering
                                         Drawing.Supervised final year students’ projects, served in university committees
                                         and conducted administrative duties as needed.

1994 - 1997        Postdoctoral Research Associate,
                           University of Western Australia, Perth  
Fundamental and applied research on environmental fluid flows.
                                         Prepared proposals and communicated with funding agencies for opportunities
                                         and grants.

1991 - 1994        Postdoctoral Research Associate,
                           Arizona State University   
Research on environmental fluid flows and undergraduate instruction/teaching.
                                        Designed and fabricated experiments to simulate complex flow situations.
                                        Flow measuring techniques LDV, PIV, LIF, Schlieren techniques, hot wire anemometry.


Teaching Experience

1999 – 2002   Adjunct Professor, University of Detroit-Mercy     

1997               Assistant Professor, Thammasat University
                                       Fluid Dynamics, Dynamics

1990 – 1992   Graduate Assistant, Arizona State University     
                                       Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids

1983 – 1984   Assistant Lecturer, University of Moratuwa      
Thermodynamics, Mechanics


Conference & Publications

Refereed Journals

  • De Silva, I.P.D. (2006). Turbulence in stirred jars. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 132(11), 1260-1268.
  • Ivey, G. N., Winters, K. B. and I.P.D. De Silva. (2000). Turbulent mixing in an internal wave energised benthic boundary layer on a slope. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 418, 59-76.
  • De Silva, I.P.D., Brandt, A., Montenegro, L., & Fernando, H.J.S. (1999). Gradient Richardson number measurements in a stratified shear layer. Dynamics of Atmosphere and Oceans. 30, 47- 63.
  • De Silva, I.P.D. & Fernando, H.J.S. (1998). Experiments on collapsing turbulent regions in stratified fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 358, 29-60.
  • De Silva, I.P.D., Imberger, J. & Ivey, G.N. (1997). Localised mixing due to a breaking internal wave ray at a sloping boundary. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 350, 1-27.
  • De Silva, I.P.D., Fernando, H.J.S., Eaton, F. and Hebert, D. (1996). Kelvin-Helmholtz billows in nature and laboratory. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 143, 217-231.
  • De Silva, I.P.D. & Fernando, H.J.S. (1994). Oscillating grid as a source of nearly-isotropic turbulence. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 6, No 7, 2455-2464.
  • Fernando, H.J.S. & De Silva, I.P.D. (1993). Note on secondary flows in oscillating-grid mixing box experiments. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 5, No. 7, 1849-1851.
  • De Silva, I.P.D. & Fernando, H.J.S. (1992). Some aspects of mixing in a stratified turbulent patch. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 240, 601-625.
  • De Silva, I.P.D., Montenegro, L.M. & Fernando, H.J.S. (1990). Measurement of interfacial distortions at a stratified entrainment interface. Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 9, 174-177.
  • Reddy, T.A., Gordon, J.M. & De Silva, I.P.D. (1987). MIRA: A one repetitive-day method for predicting the long-term performance of solar energy systems. Solar Energy, Vol.39, No. 2,123-133.

Research Interest

Flow-thermal applications in automotive engineering, Environmental fluid mechanics, CFD and 1-D tools


Research papers by Dr. Prabhath De Silva and his ISE students
  • De Silva, I.P.D. (2018). "Hofstadter Points for Exterior Angles" Mathematics Magazine. Accepted for Publication.
  • Tessathan, T., Thammasiri, C., De Silva, P., Hussain, R., Noomwongs, N. (2017). "Cabin-Ambient Air Exchanges and Their Relation to In-Vehicle CO2 Concentration," SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1725, doi:10.4271/2017-01-1725.
  • Luangprasert, M., Vasithamrong, C., Pongratananukul, S., Chantranuwathana,S., Pumrin, S. & I.P.D. De Silva. (2017). "In-vehicle carbon dioxide concentration in commuting cars in Bangkok, Thailand,". Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vol. 67, 5, pp 623-633, doi:10.1080/10962247.2016.1268983​.