ISE EEW Innovation Challenge

24 Apr, 2018

First year ISE students from all four programmes took part in the ISE EEW Innovation Challenge competition on 24 April. The competition is a final part of Exploring Engineering World course, the course where the students have learned to apply engineering principles and multi-disciplinary skills to create and present their innovative products. In this event, six finalists competed to present their products to student and professor audience.

The first place went to the group “Overuse of Toilet Papers”. The second place was “Invisual Online and Offline Marketing”, who also won a Popular Vote award. The third place was “IELC”. The runners-up are “Poorly-Managed Bus Lane in Bangkok”, “Hail-mate” and “Grab Help”.

All the products and presentations are truly impressive! You all are brilliant. Congratulations!

Big thanks to our judges for this event: Prof.Artiwan Shotipruk, ISE Deputy Director of Academic Affairs; Asst.Prof.Sukree Sinthupinyo from Computer Engineering; Dr.Somboon Rassame from Nuclear Engineering; Dr.Natt Leelawat from Industrial Engineering; and Mr.Visuwat Wattanasuchart from the CU Innovation Hub.